Mathematical and Physical Fisheries Science
Mathematical and Physical Fisheries Science
ISSN 1348-6802, Vol.12 (2015)
- [Papers(Refereed)]
- Calculations of hydrodynamic forces acting on a pair of purse seiners and their ship motions sailing in waves
1st report: Radiation forces acting on a pair of purse seiners
- Toshikazu Masuya; Pages 1-37
- [Note(Refereed)]
- Cluster analysis of differences in catch size between juvenile Pacific bluefin tuna and other commercially
fished species taken by surface-and-mid water trawl net fishing in western Sea of Japan
- Masahiko Mohri,Harumi Yamada, Hideaki Tanoue,Yoritake Kajikawa
and Katsumi Ishizawa; Pages 38-50
- [Letter]
- Method to detect three-dimensional positions of juvenile Pacific bluefin tuna via image analysis
- Kazuyoshi Komeyama, Shintaro Kunisawa, Hiroto Hokazono,Tomoya Kotani, Akinori Imamura and Tatsuro Matsuoka; Pages 51-61